Course Catalog 2024-2025

1001 Campus Life and Responsibilities: M.S.W. Handbook

1001.1 Smith College Social Events Accessibility Policy

Smith College is committed to compliance with both the spirit and the letter of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The goal of the college is to assure non-discrimination, to respond proactively in instances of discrimination, and to reasonably provide for full participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of campus life.

The following entities and activities are considered public accommodations under the ADA: establishments serving food or drink; theatres; lecture halls; concert venues; sports facilities; places of exhibition, entertainment and recreation; and private undergraduate and postgraduate schools.

Any activities planned and scheduled to take place on the Smith campus that are open, or advertised as open, to the Smith community, the Five College community, or the general public should be accessible to persons with all types of disabilities.

Accessibility of Campus Events

All-campus parties must be held in locations that are accessible to persons with mobility impairments. Any questions should be directed to the Office of Disability Services by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing

For all organizations and houses hosting private events, if the event location is not accessible and guests with mobility impairments will be attending, arrangements should be made ahead of time to accommodate them or to reserve another location. If these arrangements have not been made, the organization or house will be unable to host the event. Questions should be directed to the Office of Disability Services by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing

Responsibilities of event planners include the following:

  • Reserving a location, which is accessible to persons with mobility impairments, including wheelchair users, and advertising the event as accessible. Symbols which denote accessibility are available upon request from the Office of Student Engagement.
  • Consulting the accessibility information table in the appendix of the Guide to Student Organizations and Event Planning when determining potential locations for your events.
  • Requesting and paying for sign-language interpreters, assistive listening devices, live captioning, and CART or other live transcription if requested at conferences, public lectures, concerts, etc. (Planners may say in publicity materials that such accommodations will be provided if participants request them at least two weeks ahead of time, and if service providers are available.
  • For assistance with Sign Language interpreter, CART, or ALD requests, please contact the Office of Disability Services at least two weeks in advance of the event by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing
  • Advertising events in various media (i.e., both audio and visual formats).
  • Making available large-print copies of programs or other printed materials that may be handed out at events.
  • Sending an email to the Office of Disability Services regarding any event which accommodates persons with disabilities.
  • Asking all invited guests and participants whether they will need accommodations.

The Office of Disability Services is available to provide accessibility assistance to student organizations. For any questions related to the responsibilities outlined in this document, please contact the Office of Disability Services by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing

1001.2 Using Social Media in Professional & Educational Endeavors

Social media includes many widely used forms of electronic communication (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, microblogs, websites, etc.) allowing users to create online communities and to share information, messages, and other content. It offers quick and effective ways to stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues. It is vibrant and immediate. It also offers many ways to make new connections and has been widely used to promote political advocacy and social justice. Social media can be a valuable part of professional and personal activities, but must be used thoughtfully and in accordance with the NASW Code of Ethics (2008), within the confines of agency policies, the policies of the Smith College School for Social Work, and all local, state and federal laws.

When used in relation to one’s professional activities, social media deserves some careful consideration. There are legal risks, ethical risks and pragmatic risks along with social media’s many merits. Be mindful that once information is posted on social media it may be impossible to delete. The technology for capturing online information is already well developed. You may not be able to retract or correct any information you post - forever. Recent newspaper reports indicate that employers are increasingly checking job applicant’s social media sites and using the data they find for formal and informal decision-making. Both your personal and professional information may be checked by employers and others.

Learning about, carefully setting and regularly reviewing the privacy settings and other features of any social media you use is wise for all professionals. A simple search will identify many sites to help guide you about using social media programs. However, bear in mind that many of these sites are business oriented and assume you mainly wish to build referral traffic. Social workers must carefully distinguish their personal and professional uses of social media. For social workers, one helpful starting point is the University of Texas at Austin’s “How to Manage Your Social Media Privacy Settings.” It is wise to review your online presence as a client or employer might do.

Several ethical obligations must be kept in mind. First, discussion or disclosure of client information without documented client consent is prohibited by law, institutional policies and social work ethics. Federal HIPPA regulations, state licensure and practice laws and agency policies all prohibit disclosure of client information to others not directly charged with the client’s care. Professional advice should never be offered outside an agency or practice setting. Social workers should always practice in their areas of competence in defined relationships to clients (NASW Code of Ethics, Section 104).

Second, social work professional ethics also prohibit discussion of client information outside of direct work activities. It is inappropriate to refer to clients, client situations, supervisors or practicum agencies on social media regardless of efforts to restrict or limit access to the information. The NASW Code of Ethics, Section 1.07 (i) states that “Social workers should not discuss confidential information in any setting unless privacy can be ensured. Social workers should not discuss confidential information in public or semipublic areas such as hallways, waiting rooms, elevators, and restaurants.” Social media are effectively public or semipublic locations. The Code also states that “(k) Social workers should protect the confidentiality of clients when responding to requests from members of the media.” Even restricted access social media sites may be viewed as media outlets. If you are speaking for an agency or group, (and only ever with explicit written permission and direction from that group) you should use their name to be transparent to other users. Only use your institutional affiliation when you are making professional postings, never for personal ones.

Third, the NASW Code of Ethics, Section 2.01 states that “(a) Social workers should treat colleagues with respect and should represent accurately and fairly the qualifications, views, and obligations of colleagues, and (b) Social workers should avoid unwarranted negative criticism of colleagues in communications with clients or with other professionals." Postings on social media about other professionals and about professional matters should be respectful, fair, accurate, and without undue criticism, including practicum agencies and their personnel. Your colleagues deserve to be treated with the same dignity and respect as social workers treat our clients. Hasty social media postings may violate these standards, make the evidence of such an infraction widely known, and may be difficult or impossible to undo.

Agencies and institutions have the authority to ask social media organizations to refuse, or to terminate, social media groups that use their institutional names. The reputation and social ‘face’ of an institution may be enhanced or undermined by social media sites, and thus these agencies and institutions have rights to limit how their names and images are used. Many names and images are copyrighted or trademarked. Using such names and images may violate the law. Always ask for approval before using institutional or agency names in online posts. If you need to make an institutional connection, ask permission from the Director or Dean before making any post including institutional names, content or images.

Finally, any academic process or information that is considered confidential should not be shared publicly on social media. This includes, but is not limited to professional review proceedings or information about other students’ professional performance.

Failing to use professional judgment when using social media may harm you, colleagues and clients. Professional conduct on social media deserves appropriate care. Failing to meet the policies of Smith College School for Social Work, laws, agency policies, NASW Code of Ethics and can lead to consultation, review and potentially dismissal from the program. It may also lead to external actions through professional sanction or legal suit. Use social media wisely and with care when it has any link to your professional activities.

1001.3 Housing

1001.3.1 Community Living and Responsibility

Residential life at Smith is considered an important part of community life. Smith is committed to a co-curricular environment that enhances and enriches the academic program: residential living is an integral part of that education. At its best, residential living fosters a sense of community and encourages a wide range of ideas. Each house guest is challenged to balance the freedom of an individual with their own self-direction and respect for the rights of others. These expectations are not always reached however, as interpersonal tensions, value conflicts and discomfort caused by close community living are not unusual. Learning to respond, to take responsibility for oneself and to overcome adversity are important elements of personal growth and of the Smith education. Every member of the Smith community is entitled to be treated with respect. Behaviors that show disrespect for individuals or groups will not be tolerated. The ability to deal with complex issues and to resolve conflict will serve each member of our residential community well at Smith and in the wider world.

Residential community members (residents) are responsible for meeting all deadlines and reading all published information, which includes but is not limited to: email messages, the housing contract, eDigest and other posted notices. 

The college reserves the right to move a guest from one house to another, to remove them from campus housing or even to dismiss them from the college if it is found that they cannot function as a cooperative member of their house or of the college community.

Residents members who do not accept the responsibilities of community living may be referred to a variety of college proceedings. Referral may be made to local law-enforcement agencies, Campus Safety, the Office of Equity and Inclusion or the dean of the SSW  depending on the nature of the behavior. 

1001.3.2 Housing Policies

All requests for housing must be made by the published housing request deadline. Housing may not be guaranteed for those who request housing after the deadline. 

Housing is only extended to enrolled students or to those who are teaching on campus. All information about house opening, closing and key pick-up will be made available in the communication that confirms housing assignments and is also available on the SSW website. Residents who are delayed in vacating their room by the assigned date will be charged a fee.

The college reserves the right to enter any room at any time deemed necessary, whether or not the resident residing in the room is available. The purposes for entry include inspection for compliance with college policies including health and fire regulations, inspection and inventory of college property, maintenance of security and necessary building maintenance. Every reasonable effort will be made to respect the privacy of the occupant(s). Persons other than designated college officials should under no circumstances enter a resident’s room without permission.

1001.3.3 House Rules

Each resident is responsible for appropriate use of the living rooms, study areas and recreational rooms in the house. Viewing of or participation in the production of pornographic materials, or in hosting a stripper, in public areas of the house is strictly forbidden. Common area spaces may not be used for personal storage or overnight guest lodging. Twenty-four-hour courtesy hours are always in effect in all houses. Courtesy hours are defined as noise being heard no further than two doors away from a resident’s room whose door is closed. Each house will have a minimum of 8 quiet hours a night. Quiet Hours cannot start later than 11pm on weekdays and 1am on weekends (Friday and Saturday). Quiet Hours are defined as noise that can be heard outside of a resident’s room when the door is closed. Quiet hours in each house will be voted upon by the house at the beginning of each semester. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

Posters, notes, signs, table tents and other flyers posted in houses are to be signed by the individual person or organizational group posting them. These items will be removed if unsigned. House meetings are mandatory for all residents.

Residents of a house must abide by college regulations and house regulations established in accordance with college policy.  

In any group living situation, there may be times when individuals infringe on the rights of others. (Excessive noise and inappropriate guests are examples of this.) Residents are responsible for communicating any concerns directly to the other individuals involved in a constructive and reasonable way.

Sometimes a resident may be uneasy about how to approach a particular person or deal with a specific situation. The House Resident, the Housing Coordinator or the Associate Dean for Student Services are all available to assist if necessary.

If a resident's initial attempt does not resolve the problem, or if any individual or group is repeatedly disrespectful of the rights of others or fails to abide by the college's expectations or the regulations established by the house, the following may be used to deal with the situation:

  1. The House Resident may speak to the individual or group involved.

  2. The Associate Dean for Student Services can reach out to the Sotomayor Fellows to help mediate the issue

  3. If the conflict continues, the Housing Coordinator, the House Resident and/or the resident may consult with the Associate Dean for Student Services for additional assistance or intervention.

Residents should make themselves knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities within the dorm/house. If a resident feels that the house community is not functioning effectively or responsive to their concerns, they should consult with the House Resident or the Housing Coordinator for assistance.

Physical altercations or assaults by residents or guests will not be tolerated. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Theft of personal or college property is illegal. Persons in violation of this policy will be subject to campus disciplinary action and/or Massachusetts state law.

1001.3.4  House Security

The safety and security of residents and their houses are matters of serious concern, and all residents share the responsibility for house security. Exterior house doors are always kept locked and should not be held open by props or wedges. Visitors are expected to call the person they want to see and be escorted at all times they are in or around the building.

Abuse of house regulations resulting in behavior that causes hazard, injury or inconvenience to members of the community or to the college is subject to disciplinary action. These matters may be referred to the Deans’ Office for resolution.  

Residents must not violate provisions of a Massachusetts buildings code or state fire and health regulations. Residents are not permitted on the roofs, ledges or balconies above the first floor of buildings. Fire escapes should be used only for emergency exits. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.