Social Work Practice Sequence
In the practice sequence you will learn the foundational skills of social work practice and specialized skills of clinical social work. It will prepare you to practice in a range of settings, with different size client systems, and diverse presenting problems, from a range of practice theories and models, according to the ethical precepts and knowledge base of the profession.
The practice sequence ensures that you consider the cultural and social forces that impact clients' lives and opportunities, as well as the internal and subjective meanings of clients' experience in order to work sensitively within an integrative framework.
Practice courses integrate and apply knowledge from all of the curriculum's content areas. The case study serves as the primary vehicle for accomplishing this goal, where the "case" is focused on individual, family, group, organization or community problems or needs. Since case studies and vignettes are used in all of the practice courses, it is at this level that the psychological and the social meet.
Core Courses
SOCW 500 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Practice I (3 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: SSW Core Course
Introduces clinical social work practice by addressing the fundamental purposes, historical and ongoing debates, functions, and practice methods. Links to clinical social work practice with groups are made in this course in addition to social work theory (including psychological and social theories), issues related to social policy, agency and community contexts, and advocacy work, as well as research (e.g., empirical evidence, evaluation). This 10-week course is organized by three broad areas of social work practice competence: 1) Principles of clinical social work, 2) Clinical competencies in the beginning phase of social work, 3) Introduction to clinical competencies in the middle and ending phases of practice.
Summer 1 - SSW
SOCW 501 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Practice II (3 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: SSW Core Course
Introduces clinical social work practice by addressing the fundamental purposes, historical and ongoing debates, functions, and practice methods. Links to clinical social work practice with groups are made in this course in addition to social work theory (including psychological and social theories), issues related to social policy, agency and community contexts, and advocacy work, as well as research (e.g., empirical evidence, evaluation). This 10-week course is organized by three broad areas of social work practice competence: 1) Principles of clinical social work, 2) Clinical competencies in the beginning phase of social work, 3) Introduction to clinical competencies in the middle and ending phases of practice.
Summer 2 - SSW
SOCW 505 Group Theory and Practice (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: SSW Core Course
Introduces students to the history of social group work and focuses on applying the values, skills, and knowledge of the social work profession to a variety of groups. Theoretical and practical principles of group work are introduced to enhance understanding and use of group as a complex system of roles and interrelationships. Students learn how to construct task and treatment groups and how to mobilize the resources of existing groups. Primary focus is given to those dynamics which are common to all groups, and students will begin to explore how issues of difference (gender, race, sexual orientation, age, culture, class, ability, religion) affect group processes.
Summer 1 - SSW
SOCW 600 Second Year Clinical Social Work Practice I (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: SSW Core Course
This ten week course builds upon the academic and clinical foundations of the introductory practice course and the first year internship and develops more intensively and precisely a structural-biopsychosocial, anti-racist, trauma informed framework for assessment and intervention. The course will focus primarily, but not exclusively, on practice with individuals. This 10-week course is organized along three broad areas: 1) Learning and applying a multi-theoretical, structural-clinical, trauma informed framework to critically examine clinical practice and evidence the effects of White Supremacy. 2) Identifying and integrating practice interventions that center indigenous healing and knowledge to actively engage in the decolonization of social work clinical practice. 3) Increasing social work students’ conscientization to: 1. critically engage with the effects of racism and other forms of oppression; and, 2. address its implications in the social worker-participant relationship. First, the course focuses on social work values and ethics, and introduces students to different structural-psychological, trauma-informed theoretical frameworks to examine and reconceptualize their clinical practice.
Summer 1 - SSW
SOCW 601 Second Year Clinical Social Work Practice II (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: SSW Core Course
This ten week course builds upon the academic and clinical foundations of the introductory practice course and the first year internship and develops more intensively and precisely a structural-biopsychosocial, anti-racist, trauma informed framework for assessment and intervention. The course will focus primarily, but not exclusively, on practice with individuals. This 10-week course is organized along three broad areas: 1) Learning and applying a multi-theoretical, structural-clinical, trauma informed framework to critically examine clinical practice and evidence the effects of White Supremacy. 2) Identifying and integrating practice interventions that center indigenous healing and knowledge to actively engage in the decolonization of social work clinical practice. 3) Increasing social work students’ conscientization to: 1. critically engage with the effects of racism and other forms of oppression; and, 2. address its implications in the social worker-participant relationship. First, the course focuses on social work values and ethics, and introduces students to different structural-psychological, trauma-informed theoretical frameworks to examine and reconceptualize their clinical practice.
Summer 2 - SSW
Elective Courses
SOCW 696 Practice Rotating Topics Elective (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Topics not included in the regular curriculum, but within the Practice sequence. Specific title and description information will be posted in the registration portal for the term offered.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 721 Couple Therapy: Systems, Models, and Narratives (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Students will be introduced to the fundamental theories and practices of work with couples through didactic presentations and discussion, analysis of videotapes and experiential exercise. The course will focus on three levels (1) the set of expectations and “models of intimacy” brought to the relationship from each partner’s family of origin, (2) the problematic patterns of current interactions; and (3) the larger systemic context that serves to maintain the problem. The theoretical framework for understanding and helping couples will utilize an integrative approach, drawing on intergenerational, structural, trauma, social constructionist and narrative perspectives.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 722 Family Therapy: Narrative Approaches to Social Work (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
This five week course is designed as a beginning process of integrating family therapy theories and concepts into practice. This course will present a brief overview of the family therapy field and approaches. The format will include lecture, group discussion, formal case presentations, role playing, and video presentations. Student participation is key. Vital contextual factors, such as, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, race, sexual identity, immigration and citizenship status will be discussed separately and within the practical application of the different approaches presented. This course offers opportunities for students to fortify their understanding and skill in narrative therapy and to apply specific maps of narrative practice to their own lives as social workers. Students will explore the ways stories shape lives and to experiment with practices that can open space for new stories to emerge. Amidst the various approaches to collaborative family therapy, we will focus on the work of Michael White and David Epston, and developments of their re-authoring conversations approach in Australia, New Zealand, and North America.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 724 The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Social Work (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Acquaints the student with predominant theories regarding religion and spirituality for the "person-in-the-situation." Particular attention will be given to the function of spirituality and religion in bridging internal and external adaptations throughout the life cycle. Theoretical orientations will include psychodynamic, philosophical and sociocultural. The implications of these theories will be examined in terms of their impact on clinical practice. Students are encouraged to bring case material.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 725 Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Practice (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Focuses on cognitive behavioral practice as related to evidence based practice. The material covered will include an introduction to and critical analysis of the family of theories which fit into the cognitive behavioral rubric including social learning theory, behavioral theories and cognitive theories of inter- and intrapersonal functioning. Theories will be examined from their genesis to their clinical applications with a goal of assessment of each for fit with particular client problems, therapeutic relationships, situations and contexts based upon empirical research. Theories will also be assessed for racist, sexist, ageist and other oppressive and unjust assumptions and uses. The seminar process will be focused upon the learning of cognitive behavioral methods including cognitive restructuring, contracting, Socratic questioning, thought stopping, motivational interviewing and behavioral reward systems. Use of self and relationship as well as models of integration across theories and methods will also be emphasized throughout the seminar.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 726 Treating Child Trauma Using the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics© (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT™) developed by Dr. Bruce Perry. The NMT™ is a “biologically respectful” approach to understanding the neuro-developmental impact of childhood trauma on Sensory Processing, Self Regulation, Relational and Cognitive functioning of children who have experienced neglect and abuse in a variety of settings and forms. Often children and families involved in foster care, adoption, juvenile justice and residential treatment settings are blamed for their behavior by larger systems around them. This is particularly problematic for youth of color and LGBT youth who are pushed deeper into systems of control rather than receiving attuned and appropriate support and treatment for their experiences of trauma. This course will provide an in depth understanding and framework for working with the neuro-developmental impact of child trauma with an emphasis on identifying and prioritizing which types of treatment will be most effective and in what order - and helping larger systems shift their view of traumatized youth and families from “what’s wrong with them” to “what happened to them.”.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 729 Social Work Treatment with Adolescents in Culture and Context (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Targeted to any student who would like to improve their understanding and practice with adolescents, and who is interested in bridging the gap between clinical theory, youth development and social justice. The purpose of this course is to teach students how to think critically about social work practice with adolescents and to provide an integrative model of care to improve their practice. The model will focus on integrating developing theoretical, youth development and social justice frameworks to help conceptualize our work with transitional age youth or TAY. Proven approaches for engaging adolescents in this phase will be discussed including strength-based, youth centered, culturally congruent practices. Concepts from neurological development, clinical theory and youth development will be integrated within a multisystemic ecological model of adolescent care. Class discussion will focus on exploring and applying this model of care. We will routinely consider how the social ecology of adolescence including such influences as media, family, school, and community shape individual youth’s experiences. We will also attend to various forms of social work practice with adolescents ranging from traditional psychodynamically-oriented talk therapy to innovative models of hip hop therapy and much in between. Direct case examples of practice that integrates these themes will be presented. The course will be an exciting mix of classroom lectures, group discussions, case presentations, reflective papers, social media examples and an accompanying guest lecture series aimed at complementing, and adding context to, the information covered in class.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 730 Social Work Practice with Children (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
The purpose of this course is to teach 2nd and 3rd year social work students how to think about and provide a framework for clinical work with children. The course is largely based upon a psychodynamic theoretical foundation and integrated within a contextual and biopsychosocial frame. Elements of the cognitive behavioral methods often required of practitioners in agency-based practice will be offered as well.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 731 Social Work and Health Care: Tools of the Trade (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Introduces students to social work practice in healthcare settings from a biopsychosocial perspective. We will address central practice themes including: the subjective experience of and reactions to living with illness, social work values and ethical dilemmas in health care, communicating with patients at the end of life, the role of integrative medicine, as well as issues of economic justice and access to health services. Students will learn about merging sub-specialties in medical social work (i.e., transplant, oncology, palliative care), as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the shifting role of social work in the interdisciplinary world of health care practice. We will examine differences in the social work role across settings including: inpatient, outpatient clinics, and home hospice, with a focus on more acute settings. Students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to intervene effectively in medical settings and to work with clients experiencing serious health problems. Practice topics include writing a good assessment, how to run a family meeting, how to discuss advance care directives with patients and navigating complex ethical cases. There will be an overall focus on the impact of structural factors (i.e. racism, sexism, ableism etc.) on patient’s experience with the healthcare system, and how cultural beliefs around health, healing and illness impact the clinical relationship and the service delivery system.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 732 Trans-Affirming & Anti-Oppressive Prac Approach to Clin Soc Wk w/ Trans/Queer/Gender Non-Conforming (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Examines clinical approaches for working with trans and gender non-conforming persons. The term "trans" serves to encompass those who identify as differing from the historic cisnormative binary of gender. Together we will examine the gender identity distinctions, intersections, and the related clinical implications - including those related to transference and countertransference. We will study a variety of clinical intervention approaches that are, and include, the following: psychodynamic and attachment theory related, trauma-informed, EMDR therapeutic, social neuroscience based, sex positive, anti-oppressive, and responsive to the social realities experienced by members of gender expansive communities. In regard to the lives of trans persons and the professional roles of social work, we will dissect and examine bigotry, prejudice, misogyny, heteronormativity, cisnormativity, transphobia, racism, stigma, and shame. Relevant issues will be explored - including depression, suicide, accessibility, and social injustice - in relation to clinical assessment, diagnoses, treatment planning, and evaluation. Diverse, interactive, and dynamic teaching methods will be used to reflect real-life experiences of gender diverse clients and clinicians, and these teaching methods also will capitalize on the expertise of global leaders and the classroom of students.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 733 The Mindful Clinician: Building Professional Resilence and Effectiveness Through Mindfullness (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
***Registration in this course requires a mandatory online orientation prior to the first day of classes as well as a a day-long session (7/20 from 9-4). More information will be sent after registration.*** Uses Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a framework for introducing students to mindfulness as a foundation for professional self-care, and as a vehicle for cultivating some of the key therapeutic factors that can help you be a more effective clinician such as: presence, attentional control, self-regulation, empathy, compassion, and cognitive flexibility. Because you can't grasp mindfulness through concepts alone, this course is highly experiential in nature. Students are introduced to mindfulness through participating in guided meditation practices, and are invited to experiment with these practices on a daily basis for homework. Class discussion and assignments provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their experience of the practice, and to share both successes and challenges in applying mindfulness in their daily lives and work. Course readings review current research and theory on mindfulness as a framework for fostering personal and professional resilience and clinical skill development. This course focuses on fostering the clinician's own personal exploration of mindfulness, which serves as a first step towards developing competence in delivering mindfulness-informed interventions. Please be aware that in order to allow us to explore the full potential of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Model, this course involves a distinct class schedule.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 734 Constructing Critical Conversations in a Social Justice Paradigm (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Critical conversations are those in which power dynamics in social context are illuminated, substantively examined in the moment and subsequently reflected upon in order to produce change - personal, systemic, institutional (Kang & O'Neill, 2017). This course will focus on supporting students in developing consciousness of structural power dynamics expressed through interpersonal interactions in dialogue - all with the aim to create change. Students will learn how to facilitate and enhance their authentic participation in discussions using the Critical Conversations (CC) Model in addition to other approaches grounded in humanist and critical pedagogy. Centering social justice issues and challenges, students will practice: (a) expanding knowledge regarding manifestations of differential structural forces of oppression and opportunity across systems (individual, family, community, organizational, society, world); (b) examining how structural power dynamics emerge, are enacted, and influence discourse and interpersonal engagement; (c) cultivating dialogic skills including, (1) the capacity to witness one's level of connectedness through disagreement, tension and conflict; practicing "calling in" rather than "calling out" to mitigate potential for offensiveness and harm in critical conversations and (2) applying a stance of curiosity and commitment to explore the intersection between structural forces of oppression as enacted within interpersonal relationships. This will be a highly interactive course. In addition to providing theoretical grounding, reading and course materials will substantively by applied in class discussions. Each session will include critical conversations. Be prepared to engage in a range of strategies including but not limited to reflection, meditation, and out of classroom individual exercised to advance critical awareness.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 735 Knowing, Not Knowing, And Muddling Through (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Knowing, not knowing, and muddling through will each be valued as essential and normative experiences as we encounter the inevitable therapeutic impasses, intense emotions, and unconscious processes inherent to the dynamic understanding of ourselves, others, and the clinical relationship. All clinical social workers experience positive and negative reactions toward their clients, and these reactions must be curiously examined to facilitate ethical and compassionate clinical care that fosters growth. A commitment toward an anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens, which values diversity and facilitates open dialogue, is expected, as well as a beginning understanding and appreciation of one’s own social identities and their effects on clinical relationships and interventions. The course will draw on a range of theoretical and clinical perspectives, including but not limited to psychodynamic (Relational/Intersubjective), contemplative, and CBT models. However, class members will be encouraged to conceptualize clinical material within whatever theoretical framework seems most useful to them and the clinical material at hand. Class time will include clinical presentations, discussion, and lecture.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 736 Social Work & the Schools (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
The primary goal of this course is to examine, assess, and develop skills for the implementation of a trauma-informed, theoretically-grounded social work practice in K-12 educational settings. The school experience is integral in the lives of both children and families. It both shapes and reflects a child or adolescent’s identity while also offering critical insight into their functional capacity. For some, the school experience can lead to experiences of loneliness, trauma or invisibility. For others, it is a space of affirmation and freedom where young people can explore identity and take healthy risks. And for some, school is a welcome refuge from abusive or oppressive dynamics in their home or community environment. Understanding the school culture, the larger ecosystem in which it operates and the relationships between the student, family and school are all important for the social worker to grasp the major forces at play in a child’s life. Through a variety of methods, this course will help students examine a range of practice and policy issues related to the delivery of social work services in the school setting. An ecological, systems, and trauma-informed framework for practice will be emphasized throughout the course while also interweaving attachment theory and various perspectives on child development.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 737 Clinical Perspectives on Disability (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Develops clinically meaningful understandings of working with people with disabilities. Through a psychodynamic lens, we will examine the ways in which systems of oppression/ableism impact intrapsychic resources, definitions of health, meanings of physical and cognitive variance, and strategies for healing. We will identify the trajectory of disability as an identity category from illness to disability pride. We will use the framework of Self Psychology to examine the impact of ableism on identity, development, attachment and resiliency. We will then develop strategies for increasing social and emotional resources toward an empowered sense of self.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 739 Social Work Practice in Forensic Settings (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
This course will provide an introductory overview of social work practice in the criminal justice system. Attention will be given to the history and development of the criminal justice system as well as the role of social workers in it. We will explore the unique specialties and challenges of social work practice in jails, prisons, parole/probation, and the legal system. The course will examine how various psychosocial factors and forces of oppression impact people involved in the criminal justice system. It will identify clinical techniques for assessment, treatment, and outcome assessment. The course will also discuss clinical work with special populations impacted by the criminal justice system including the chronically mentally ill, historically marginalized communities, pregnant women, and juveniles. Attention will also be given to: the use of self in forensic social work, race and gender in the criminal justice system, the intersections of privilege and oppression in forensic settings and the complex role of locked facilities in society. This course will explore relevant interventions and treatment modalities, and safety considerations while reviewing the micro, mezzo and macro opportunities for social workers in the criminal justice system.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 740 College Counseling (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Adapt your practice to meet the unique and complex challenges that arise in college counseling settings. Together, we will examine some of the current issues that face college counseling centers and explore the pros and cons of contemporary models of service delivery. Learn about common mental health challenges such as suicidality, anxiety, and depression as well as developmental issues specific to the traditional college age population including identity and career exploration and the transition towards independence. Identify how to match treatment options to the needs of the student and draw on social work skills to provide a range of interventions including: risk assessment and crisis intervention; groups and workshops; and individual therapy in a brief/time-limited treatment setting. Practice learning/adapting a variety of theories to interventions in this setting including: crisis theory, relational psychodynamic theory, cognitive-behavioral theory and group theory. Consider the intersectionality of clinician and client as a central dynamic of treatment and explore readings that reflect the diverse identities of the populations served including the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, ability, military status, international status, first-generation college students, non-traditionally aged students and graduate students. Experiential exercises, case examples, small group discussions, and in-class activities will enable you to apply developing knowledge and build practical skills to provide comprehensive mental health treatment in a college counseling setting.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 741 SW Practice with Immigrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social work practices with the Migrant population (Immigrants, Refugees & Asylees) across the life-span. This course seeks to deepen students’ awareness and understanding of the historical, political, economic, social, and cultural contexts of the migrant population. The purpose of this course is to provide students an opportunity to consolidate and specify their developing knowledge and skills through in- depth study of clinical practice issues associated with particular clinical methods, identified professional concerns, or with providing services to specific client populations. Students will gain practice-based knowledge by critically examining a variety of practice frameworks, socio-ecological concepts and theories (e.g., cultural sensitivity, racial and ethnic identity, migration and immigration), and cultural constructs that inform culturally-sensitive social work practices with different Migrant groups. This knowledge will then be applied to understand the array of psychosocial issues (e.g., poverty, health and mental disparities, violence, discrimination, racial, ethnic, sexual and gender prejudice) impacting this population across the life span. The course focuses on identifying and critically evaluating practices and culturally sensitive approaches for working with the Immigrant, Refugee and Asylee population in major social work practice areas (e.g., mental health, health, children, youth and families, gerontology).
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 751 Advanced Group Theory and Practice (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Develops a working theoretical base for group psychotherapy, drawing from the Interpersonal, Psychodynamic, and Group-As-Whole perspectives. The emphasis will be on long-term group psychotherapy principles, which can serve as the basis for understanding phenomena that occur in all types of groups. To a limited extent, we will consider the applicability of these theories to short-term groups. Particular attention will be paid to: group dynamics, member selection and preparation, group formation, group development, and leadership techniques. We will also examine the role and impact of projective processes in group psychotherapy and consider the influence of diversity on group dynamics.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 752 Centering the Black Experience in Social Work Practice (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
While Black social workers and clients are often included in content on social work theory, practice, or in conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion, Black experiences are rarely at the center of these conversations. This course centers Black experiences in social work history, theory, and practice. In this course, students will learn more about our disciplinary and social-historical contexts, including prominent Black social work leaders, Afrocentric social work theories, and Black-led social justice movements (e.g., civil rights, Black Lives Matter). The course will examine how race (and Blackness specifically) shapes Black social workers’ experiences in practice settings, as well as the experiences of Black clients and communities.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 753 Advanced Contemporary Social Work Practice with Adolescents (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Please note that SOCW 729: Social Work Practice with Adolescents in Culture and Context is a required prerequisite for this course. The purpose of this course is to critically dive into specific lifestage challenges that face today's adolescents and to provide contemporary interventions to address each topic within the context of clinical theory, youth development and social justice. Pertinent contemporary adolescent issues/topics such as bullying, gang involvement, and substance use/misuse will be directly covered. Proven approaches for supporting adolescents through these challenges will be discussed and demonstrated, ranging from Narrative Therapy, Expressive Arts Therapy and Participatory Action Research. Class discussion will focus on the clinician’s experience of adolescent practice, covering areas such as transference, clinical frames, and relational therapy. The course will be an exciting mix of classroom lectures, group discussions, guest presentations, reflective papers and social media examples adding context to the information covered in class. This is an activity driven course and requires active participation and engagement with each week's lesson and subsequent Intervention Focus activity.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 754 Law and Ethics in Social Work: Implications for Agency-Based Practice (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
This course explores some of the challenges that direct practice clinical social workers face in agency settings. We will focus on a variety of practice issues, including defensive documentation, which is a set of skills for writing client notes or testifying in a way that protects your client's privacy, satisfies agency requirements, and endures legal scrutiny. The course will also focus on making supervision work for you, including utilizing supervision to meet your needs when you are being supervised, as well as preparing you for you practicing as a clinical supervisor of others in the future. Throughout the course, we will examine clinical challenges through the lens of ethical practice, effectively applying our professional codes ethics, and distinguishing between unethical practice and bad practice.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 755 Short-Term Psychodynamic Practice (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Focuses on theory and practice of brief dynamic psychotherapy (BDP) with adult individuals. It is based on psychodynamic and developmental theories of personality organization, as well as on theories about the impact of time and time limits on the process of therapy. Topics to be covered include the evolution of brief therapy, the work of major contributors to the field, and consideration of treatment issues such as selection criteria, use of a dynamic focus, and use of transference and confrontation. Other topics include short-term work with more disturbed clients, and cross-cultural issues in brief treatment. Prior course work and clinical experience in longer-term therapy, specifically knowledge about the differential use of self in the treatment relationship and skills in psychosocial assessment, provide the foundation from which we examine the technical shifts that occur when treatment is time-limited.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable
SOCW 796 Practice Rotating Topic Elective (2 Quarter Hours)
Coordinating Sequence: Practice
Fulfills: Practice Sequence Elective
Topics not included in the regular curriculum, but within the practice sequence. Specific title and description information will be posted in the registration portal for the term offered.
Summer 1 - SSW, Summer 2 - SSW, Variable