300 Course Expectations: M.S.W. Handbook
300.1 Class Attendance
Students are required to attend all classes.
Our program does not offer “personal days” or days off from class other than official holidays as noted in the academic calendar. In the event of a health-related absence or an absence due to a personal crisis, students must contact their instructor to let them know they will need to miss class. In these instances, the student and instructor will discuss how to cover the missed work. Students cannot pass a course if they miss more than 20% of class time.
In rare cases, a student who misses more than 20 percent of a course may be allowed to do an independent study to complete the course, only if:
the cause of the absences are due to extraordinary circumstances beyond a student’s control, or
the student has prior accommodations from the the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), and the Director of ARC and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs concur that such accommodations are necessary and can be arranged in the classes affected, and
the student’s progress in the course has been satisfactory.
Whether or not a student is afforded this opportunity will be determined by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the instructor and the relevant Coordinator or Chair. The grade for the course will be an Incomplete (I) until the independent study is completed.
300.2 Extensions
Any request to an instructor for an extension to complete work must be made prior to the due date of an assignment. Instructors may grant an extension of up to 3 days per assignment. Additional days may be granted with documentation from the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), which must be provided to the instructor ahead of the assignment deadline, up to a total of 5 days for mid-term assignments and beyond the last day of class at the end of a term. Any student who has been given an extension beyond the end of the term will be given an Incomplete until the work is completed.
300.3 Incomplete Work
300.3.1 Incomplete Work in Courses
Any request to an instructor for an extension to complete work for a course must be made prior to the due date of the assignment. All extensions must be granted in writing by the instructor.
Requests for extensions to complete course work will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances, which include but are not limited to requests to accommodate a documented disability. The period of extensions, determined at the discretion of the instructor, may not exceed 5 days beyond the last day of the given term.
Any student who has been granted an extension beyond the end of the term will be given an Incomplete as the grade. If the work is not completed and submitted within the granted extension period, a final grade will be assigned based on all work that has been submitted by that date.
Students who choose to take a Leave of Absence in the midst of a term may be assigned a grade of Incomplete at the determination of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs if at the time of the request:
- The student is not currently failing the course, and
- The student has completed more than 60% of the course.
Exceptions to these limitations may be made at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
300.3.2 Incomplete Work in Practicum Internship
A final grade of Incomplete in the practicum internship can be given only in rare instances and only with the approval of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Director of Practicum Learning.
300.4 Withdrawing from a Course
A student may withdraw from a course in which they are currently enrolled after the add/drop period and not later than the completion of 60% of the course (i.e., for a two-credit course, the student would need to withdraw by the end of class 5 of a 10-session course; for practicum internships, the student would need to withdraw by the last practicum day in January.)
If a student withdraws within the time frames outlined above, the official record of the School will indicate “Withdrawn” as the grade; they will not receive credit for this course.
Students who discontinue a course after the 60% point but before completing course requirements will receive an F for that course.
On rare occasions, when a student has completed more than 75% of a course but has not completed all course requirements, the ADAA may recommend that the student receive a grade of Incomplete and arrangements may be made, in consultation with the Course Coordinator, to complete the course. (See 300.3.1 Incomplete Work in Courses.)
300.5 Student Feedback on Courses and Internships
Students are expected to complete a feedback form for all courses and practicum internships in which they have been enrolled.