Course Catalog 2025-2026

500 Course Registration: M.S.W. Handbook

500 Course Registration

Students are responsible for properly registering for all courses that meet the degree requirements for graduation, and for following the School’s established registration procedures.
Students whose names do not appear on the final course enrollment lists will not receive credit for a course.

500.1 Add/Drop

Students may add or drop courses within the posted add/drop period as long as the alternative choices meet degree and credit requirements to graduate. Since students must enroll in the same section of SOCW 500\SOCW 501 and SOCW 600/SOCW 601, changes to SOCW 501 and SOCW 601 will not be permitted after the add/drop period for Summer Term 1 ends.

500.2 Withdrawing from a Course

See section 300.4 Withdrawing from a Course

500.3 Auditing

Students are not permitted to audit courses.

500.4 Course Scheduling

The School reserves the right to reassign sections, make changes in course scheduling, bracket courses, and/or cancel elective courses or required course sections if enrollment is insufficient. The School does not guarantee a student’s first choice of elective courses or required course section.

500.5 Prerequisites for Course Registration

  • SOCW 500 and SOCW 501 are prerequisites for the First-Year practicum internship. Students cannot progress to the First-Year practicum internship without passing (P or MP) these prerequisite courses, except in exigent circumstances as determined by the Director of Practicum Learning and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
  • SOCW 600 and SOCW 601 are prerequisites for the Second-Year practicum internship. Students cannot progress to the Second-Year practicum internship without passing (P or MP) these prerequisite courses.
  • SOCW 500 is a prerequisite for SOCW 501, as is SOCW 600 for SOCW 601. Students cannot progress to SOCW 501 or SOCW 601 without passing (P or MP) its prerequisite course.

Students who do not successfully complete first year practicum, may not register for subsequent required courses. They may register for elective courses if approved by the ADAA.

500.6 Transferring Course Credit

Up to 12 transfer credits may be awarded for courses completed with a grade of B or above from an accredited graduate school of social work. Students must send the transfer request form (available from the SSW Registrar's Office) with supporting documentation, including a syllabus and a statement as to how the course meets SSW requirements, to the SSW Registrar’s Office by April 1 of the year of admission in order for the transfer request to be considered. The appropriate Course Coordinator  in consultation with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, will make the decision with regard to the transfer credit. No credit will be granted for previous work experience or life experience.

Requests for transfer credit taken after admission may be approved in extraordinary circumstances, but must be approved by the ADAA as an exception to the transfer course credit policy prior to completing the work.

500.7 Waiving a Required Course

Some required courses may be waived if students can demonstrate that they have mastered the course content prior to enrollment. No credit is awarded for waived courses; credits must be made up by taking electives. The transcript will indicate when a waived course has met a requirement. Students must submit waiver forms to the Registrar’s Office by April 1 of the year of admission in order for the request to be considered.