Course Catalog 2024-2025

Community Engagement and Social Change

CCX 120 Community-Based Learning: Ethics and Practice (2 Credits)

Service learning, civic engagement, community-based participatory research and community service are familiar terms for describing forms of community-based learning (CBL) in higher education. Theorists and practitioners continue to debate how students and faculty can best join partners to support community-driven goals in areas nearby colleges and universities. Students consider these issues through exploring the literature of community engagement and learning from the experiences of those who practice its different forms. CCX 120 serves as a gateway course for the Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration. Students are introduced to the varied opportunities available at the college for engaging with communities. S/U only.


CCX 245/ SWG 245 Colloquium: Collective Organizing (4 Credits)

Offered as SWG 245 and CCX 245. This course introduces students to key concepts, debates and provocations that animate the world of community, labor and electoral organizing for social change. To better understand these movements’ visions, students develop an analysis of global and national inequalities, exploitation and oppression. The course explores a range of organizing skills to build an awareness of power dynamics and learn activists’ tools to bring people together towards common goals. A central aspect of this course is practicing community-based learning and research methods in dialogue with community-based activist partners. Prerequisite: CCX 120 or SWG 150. Enrollment limited to 18. {H}{S}


CCX 320 Capstone Seminar for the Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration (4 Credits)

This course provides a forum for Community Engagement and Social Change concentration students to develop research projects that synthesize their prior coursework and practical experiences. In a typical capstone project, student teams complete a collaborative project focused on imagining concrete ways out of current crises by designing and proposing innovative approaches to dismantling structures of inequality or catalyzing structures of equity. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 15. Instructor permission required.


CCX 400 Special Studies (1-4 Credits)

Normally, CCX concentrators only. Instructor permission required.

Fall, Spring